Austin, TX, United States
Welcome to my blog!

Saturday, October 31, 2009


1) contains a lot of material of how to write correctly. It offers help of a dictionary, rules of writing, and various games.
2)Teach Russian is the perfect collection of materials for teaching Russian in general and Writing in particular
3)I like the idea of using Blog for teaching writing. It is a fun way to keep people interested and bound together withing the space of the blog. Normally, I ask to start a diary.


Start page of the Russian Search Engine
Useful for beginners who learn to read Cyrillic.
This is the magazine for intermediate students, which gives an overview of what Russian society is concerned about
Wikipedia in Russian. All kinds of information can be found there and sometimes I assign students to make a presentation on a particular topic using Wikipedia
The page of one of the most famous theaters in Russia, where students get to know a famous director and the story of his life

Friday, October 23, 2009

Listening Resources

Radio "Moscow Echo"
it is possible to choose the program of your interest and follow the script
This radio is famous for having alternative perspective
Russian Channel One
tv news on-line, small video clips allow a learner to focus on a piece of info. Scripts are also available
BBC in Russian
Russian Listening Library
Library targets beginner learners. Esp those who study Russian on their own and need the example of pronounciation
Russian Language Podcast
it is designed for pre-intermediate learners, who struggle with the lack of practice. It provides good cultural outlook
A taste of Russian
Russian Lingo
Rusnovskij park
A little outdated video material. It was made with the learner in mind. It is doable even for beginners

Monday, October 19, 2009

listening items:

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Teaching Context

The parameters of my teaching context are:
  1. FL setting
  2. College American students
  3. the same L1
  4. Possibly Intensive Language Summer Program
  5. 2nd year of language instruction
For two summers I taught in the Summer Language Program listening comprehension with the help of the authentic video materials of different kind. I would like to collect here links, tips, videos, which help me to improve it as much as possible. I am also genuinely interested in Oral Proficiency Interview procedure, which will also be obvious from this blog.

Monday, October 12, 2009

from Horwitz on listening

Children unlike adults don't feel that it is important to understand every word, as they are often exposed to conversations that make no sense to them
  1. Listen to the language. Get used to the sound of it. Be able to identify its sounds from other unfamiliar language
  2. Try to speak in this language (gibbernish)
  3. recognition of a word
  4. listen for familiar words
  5. Follow the scrips and signal when you hear familiar words
  6. recognize individual words, phrases, and sentence boundaries
  7. Listening for the Gist (global meaning) identify a topic and extract a global meaning
  8. to be continued