Austin, TX, United States
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Friday, October 23, 2009

Listening Resources

Radio "Moscow Echo"
it is possible to choose the program of your interest and follow the script
This radio is famous for having alternative perspective
Russian Channel One
tv news on-line, small video clips allow a learner to focus on a piece of info. Scripts are also available
BBC in Russian
Russian Listening Library
Library targets beginner learners. Esp those who study Russian on their own and need the example of pronounciation
Russian Language Podcast
it is designed for pre-intermediate learners, who struggle with the lack of practice. It provides good cultural outlook
A taste of Russian
Russian Lingo
Rusnovskij park
A little outdated video material. It was made with the learner in mind. It is doable even for beginners


  1. Evgenia,
    For some unknown reason, I haven't been able to access your links except for BBC in Russian, Rusnobskjj park and Golosa. Could you please check why the others are not working? Also, remember that you need to provide a description of the resource and say how you would use it in your teaching context. The three resources I've been able to see are excellent choices!

  2. Thank you, Veronica
    I'll check the links!

  3. I can´t read the more advanced transcripts, but that didn't stop me from listening.
    I visited http://http//
    The link here didn't connect right away, but Google suggested a correction.
    I'm thankful that the beginning level links are in English. Thanks!
